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Search engine information and settings

The search engine will look for each one of your search terms in the fields that are checked under 'Search Within'. If each one of your search terms is found in at least one of the fields checked, the publication will appear in the search results. An unchecked box means 'do not look there'. Search terms are explained below. The display options only affect how the search results look.

Search Terms:

  • Search terms are not case-sensitive.
  • A search term is a word, name, or number that does not have any spaces in it. Search terms are separated by spaces and you may use as many as you wish.
  • A search term may also be a part of a word or a part of a name. Therefore, if you are not certain of the exact spelling of the whole word or name, please enter the part of it that you are sure of. Usually this will be enough for the search engine to find it.
  • You may enter search terms in any order. For example 'Johann Sebastian Bach' and 'Bach Sebastian Johann' would return exactly the same search results.

Catalog Numbers:

  • To search for a catalog number, simply enter it into the search box. You may also enter part of a catalog number which will allow you to browse a range of catalog numbers.
  • Please note that the catalog number is the Hutchins & Rea catalog number.

Special Search Terms:

  • Among music publications, there are certain notations that can present a challenge to search for. This is so, because there is no standard as to whether to abbreviate and sometimes, how to abbreviate.

    So, the search engine looks for all the variants of OPUS, OP., NUMBER, NO., #, BOOK, BK., VOLUME, VOL. that may appear in publication titles, and you may use any of these in you search terms.

  • Also, the search engine looks for the variants of key signatures that may be expressed in parentheses or following the word 'in'. For example, something in the key of A might appear in a publication title as (A) or in A. You may indicate it either way in your search terms. The same is true for the keys B,C,D,E,F and G.

Exact Phrases:

  • In some instances it may be useful to search for an exact phrase. To do this, you must use underscores instead of spaces between words.

    For example: This_is_an_exact_phrase. Typically, an exact phrase is used to produce fewer search results.

  • Do not enclose search expressions in quotation marks. This search engine does not allow you to indicate an exact phrase by enclosing it it quotation marks. Instead, use an underscore _ between each word (see the example above).

Optimal settings:

The best balanced search often occurs when the title, composer, and category checkboxes are checked. This is true because we often think of music in terms of its title and composer.

The category also comes into play for a search involving instrumentation or type of music.

The checkbox called 'publisher' is only meaningful if you want to search for a specific pubisher.

The checkbox called 'description' will usually return far too many search results because descriptions often contain many generic words. However, the description can be useful if you need to find a particular song, or some other information that might only be found in the description.