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1 - 1 of 1 Titles
Title What Music Means to Me

If you have ever questioned the power of music to influence individuals' lives and to shape our society as a whole, your doubts will be erased upon reading this book. Each story is unique and personal, but the over-arching truth is that the pursuit of excellence in music makes a profound difference in people's lives. Through the exquisite photographs, you can see into each person's soul. Through the intimate and revealing personal statements, you can feel the pulse of each subject's heart. After just a short encounter you will know what makes that person who he or she is. As the fine arts continue to struggle for recognition in our educational system, the material contained within these pages is a timely testament to the importance and validity of music to make a positive and profound difference in the world we inhabit.

Publisher: Hal Leonard
Series: Book
Medium: Softcover with DVD
Pages: 96
Format: Softcover/DVD Pack
Credits: Photography by Richard Rejino
Author(s): Richard Rejino

Publisher / #333112
Price 14.99
Catalog Number333112
AvailabilityWe have been notified by the publisher that this item is now out of print and is no longer available for sale.
1 - 1 of 1 Titles