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Title The Art of Torah Cantillation - A Step-by-Step Guide to Chanting Torah

You can chant Torah! This unique, step-by-step book/CD pack will lead the novice through each step of learning how to chant Torah. Divided into 13 lessons and additional useful appendices and bibliography, the book allows the reader to “self-teach” the important principles of Torah cantillation. The only prerequisites are a basic ability to read Hebrew and a willingness to learn. Perfect for B'nai Mitzvah students, beginning learners, and adult education courses. Includes: step-by-step exercises and instructions; CD recordings that correspond to the exercises; both male and female recorded voices; a glossary, list of parashot, High Holy Day cantillation; and more.

Publisher: Transcontinental Music Publications
Series: Transcontinental Music Folios
Medium: BOOK W/CD
Pages: 96
Format: Book/CD Pack
Credits: by Cantor Marshall Portnoy and Cantor Josée Wolff
Composer(s): Cantor Josée Wolff, Cantor Marshall Portnoy

Publisher / # / 191039
Price 24.95
Catalog Number191039
AvailabilityWe have been notified by the publisher that this item is now out of print and is no longer available for sale.
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