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Title Sympathy for the Drummer - Why Charlie Watts Matters

Capturing the bristling energy of the Rolling Stones and the times in which they lived, this book provides a wide-eyed reflection on why the Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Band in the World needed the world's greatest rock 'n' roll drummer. Across five decades, Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts has had the best seat in the house. Charlie Watts, the anti-rock star - an urbane jazz fan with a dry wit and little taste for the limelight - was witness to the most savage years in rock history, and emerged a hero, a warrior poet. With his easy swing and often loping, uneven fills, he found nuance in a music that often had little room for it, and along with his greatest ally, Keith Richards, he gave the Stones their swaggering beat. Author Mike Edison, himself a notorious raconteur and accomplished drummer, tells a tale of respect and satisfaction that goes far beyond drums, drumming, and the Rolling Stones, ripping apart the history of rock 'n' roll, and celebrating sixty years of cultural upheaval. He tears the sheets off of the myths of music making, shredding the phonies and the frauds, and unifies the frayed edges of disco, punk, blues, country, soul, jazz, and R&B - the soundtrack of our lives. Highly opinionated, fearless, and often hilarious, this book is an unexpected treat for music fans and pop culture mavens, as edgy and ribald as the Rolling Stones at their finest, never losing sight of the sex and magic that puts the roll in the rock - and the man who drove the band, their true engine, the utterly irreplaceable Charlie Watts.

PublisherRowman & Littlefield
Weight.0 oz
Creditsby Mike Edison
Price 16.95
Catalog Number368628
AvailabilityThis item will be shipped from our warehouse within 2 business days, pending publisher availability.
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