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Title Roger McGuinn's Basic Folk Guitar - Easy Arrangements for Traditional Favorites from the Folk Den - Video

Roger McGuinn brings his love of folk guitar to novice and intermediate players, providing a solid repertoire of a dozen classic songs and the basic techniques needed to play them. The songs he teaches are part of the backbone of the American folk music tradition. They include sea chanteys, ballads, blues, spirituals and cowboy songs, plus McGuinn originals such as “Gate of Horn” and the Byrds' hit, “Chestnut Mare,” which Roger demonstrates on his Martin 12-string for a more authentic Byrds sound.


Publisher: Homespun
Series: Homespun Tapes
Medium: Video
Format: VHS Video
Credits: taught by Roger McGuinn
Artist(s): Roger McGuinn

CategorySoftware, Video, DVD, CD ROM
Publisher / # / 641573
Price 29.95
Catalog Number641573
AvailabilityWe have been notified by the publisher that this item is now out of print and is no longer available for sale.
1 - 1 of 1 Titles