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Title R-Series Low Collar Nuskyn® Drumhead - Brown 7.15 inch. Diameter Drumhead for Bongo
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The R-Series, Low Collar, Nuskyn® Bongo drumhead sounds natural, warm, and full-bodied with enhanced low and mid-range frequencies, without any lingering high pitched overtones. The maintenance free, weather resistant and traditional look of the Nuskyn film also closely resembles the performance of animal skin, while actually expanding the sound response spectrum dramatically. The Low Collar construction is designed specifically to accommodate the various bongo drum manufacturing brands that are equipped with a radius counter hoop rim. This allows for a comfortable playing relationship between the counter hoop rims and playing surface. The design also reduces the amount of torque needed while tuning the drum and minimizes the tuning hook length that may stick out the base of the drum, something that drummers who play seated can really appreciate! Fits regular full size bongo drums equipped with radius counter hoop rims from most major manufacturers.

SeriesRemo Drum Heads
Weight.0 oz
FormatBrown 7.15 inch.
Price 77.80
Catalog Number3701773
AvailabilityThis item will be shipped from our warehouse within 2 business days, pending publisher availability.
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