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cover for Junior Lunchbox Amp
Junior Lunchbox Amp - The World's Smallest Stage Amp - Huge Sound, Battery Option & Pedal Power
Look Inside

The Lunchbox Junior is an incredible sounding ultra-compact pro-grade guitar amp. The Junior is half the size and weight of the ZT Lunchbox amp, yet still puts out rich tone and a surprising amount of volume. Features a 5 inch. speaker and 35 watts. This amp can be powered by a regular wall outlet or on the go with the ZT Battery Pack or Car Adapter Cable (both sold separately). It also has a 9V power output to drive your pedals! You can run your whole rig without an outlet in sight. The Junior doesn't have the Lunchbox's super high output capability, but it has plenty of power for most situations. Jazz players love it for mid-volume gigs, and it's great for recording and home use because it takes up almost no space, it's simple to use, and it sounds so much bigger than it is. With flexible controls that take you from warm and mellow to pure overdrive bliss, it's just an all-around fun amp. The Junior received a Premier Gear award from Premier Guitar magazine in 2012. In the review, Matthew Holliman wrote, The size-to-volume ratio is nothing short of remarkable. There is a fantastic, tube-like warmth that you just don't hear in many solid-state rigs...I heard a character-rich set of overtones and each note had a pleasing roundness. No matter what other amps you own, the ZT Junior is a must have!

PublisherZT Amplifiers
SeriesZT Amplifiers
MediumGeneral Merchandise
Weight116.5 oz
closer look00119982
Price 249.00
Catalog Number119982
AvailabilityWe have been notified by the publisher that this item is now out of print and is no longer available for sale.
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