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Title Douze Études

Edited by Stewart Gordon. Claude Debussy's Douze Études (Twelve Studies) for piano were written during the summer of 1915, a period in the composer's life filled with intense creativity. This scholarly edition, edited by Dr. Stewart Gordon, has been carefully researched from autographs and first editions. Discrepancies between sources are mentioned in footnotes. In prefatory matter, Dr. Gordon discusses Debussy's playing, pedaling considerations, and articulation issues. Also provided are detailed analyses of each study's structure, a chart of metronome marks corresponding with recorded performances of the Études by famous pianists, and a glossary of the French terms used throughout the Études. Additionally, valuable performance recommendations, helpful fingering, and pedaling suggestions are offered in this comprehensive edition. Titles: I (pour les "cinq doigts" d'après Monsieur Czerny) * II (pour les tierces) * III (pour les quartes) * IV (pour les sixtes) * V (pour les octaves) * VI (pour les huit doigts) * VII (pour les degrés chromatiques * VIII (pour les agréments) * IX (pour les notes répétées) * X (pour les sonorités opposées) * XI (pour les arpèges composés) * XII (pour les accords). 104 pages.

ComposerDEBUSSY, CLAUDE (1862-1918)
CategoryPiano Solo
Publisher / #Alfred / 43956
Price 15.99
Catalog Number43956
AvailabilityUsually leaves our warehouse in 7-10 days
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