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cover for Christian Gouinguene Et Ivane Huber - Les Enfants Chantent... La Theorie Musicale
Christian Gouinguene Et Ivane Huber - Les Enfants Chantent... La Theorie Musicale
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pianist Christian Gouinguené and lyricist Ivane Huber collaborate to create a fantastic singing book for children. Essential to all beginner vocalists, the songs in The Children Sing... Music Theory are composed specifically to suit young children, focusing on practising the theory of music.

This children's music book addresses the stave, treble and bass clefs, notes values, barlines, accidentals, chromaticism, triplets, syncopation, intervals of 3rds and 6ths, modes, and notes names, among many other aspects, The Children Sing ensures high quality and progressive Vocal studies for children, with all songs in this edition based around the theory of music. Christian Gouinguené and Ivane Huber have compiled an essential songbook for young singers which cannot be missed. Here's looking forward to further collaborations from the pair!

Weight.0 oz
Publisher / #ALPHONSE LEDUC - ROBERT KING, INC / 48185406
Price 20.10
Catalog Number48185406
AvailabilityThis item is currently unavailable from the publisher and due date is unknown. This item may be backordered but we can not guarantee time frame for delivery.
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