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Title Cirque du Soleil: A Musical Collection

Cirque du Soleil, French for "Circus of the Sun," is a unique entertainment venture that has been thrilling audiences since its inception by two street performers over 20 years ago. Acts include a unique combination of individual storylines, dance and opera performances, contortionists, jugglers, trapeze artists and many other talented performers, all set to the tune of live music. While performances do not feature the animals typically found in a regular circus, the modern style of Cirque du Soleil has earned it recognition as one of the world's best circuses for their use of extreme creativity, talented performers, and their ability to constantly evolve shows to maintain their enthralling nature. Alfred now introduces the music to some of Cirque du Soleil's most popular songs, derived from a variety of show soundtracks. Songs come complete with lyrics, melody line, and chord changes with professionally arranged piano accompaniment. Titles: O (O) * Pageant (Kà) * Mio Bello Bello Amore (Zumanity: Another Side of Cirque du Soleil) * Kunya Sobé (Mystère Live) * If I Could Reach Your Heart (Kà) * Love Dance (Kà) * Nostalgie (O/Le Best of Collection) * Liama (La Nouba/Le Best of Collection) * L'Innocent (Kooza Â- Coming Fall 2007) * Querer (Alegría) * Alegría (Alegría) * Pokinoi (Saltimbaco) * Triangle Tango (Coreto) * Kumbalawé (Saltimbaco) * Quidam (Quidam) * Ombra (Dralion/Le Best of Collection) * Gamelan (O/Le Best of Collection) * Let Me Fall (Quidam) * Alone (Delirium) * Time Flies (Delirium).

Publisher / #Alfred / 00-28180
Price 19.95
Catalog Number00-28180
AvailabilityUsually leaves our warehouse in 7-10 days
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