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Title Saltarello (1998) in "Black Women Composers: 20th Century Music for Piano and Strings

The contents of this anthology, compiled and edited by Helen Walker-Hill and Gregory Walker: Kiep Nao Co Yeu Nhau for violin and piano by Rachel Eubanks. Bus Stop for cello and piano (2000) by Mary Watkins. Las Tarantulas for cello and piano (1992) by Dolores White. Saltarello for cello and piano (1989) by Jeraldine Saunders Herbison. Excursion for piano trio by Zenobia Powell Perry. Energico for violin, cello and piano (1981) by Lettie Beckon Alston (last movement of trio "Memories"). The editors note that "European influences are prominent in instrumental music by black women. Although none of these pieces is based on traditional African-American music, Mary Watkins' "Bus Stop" shows the influence of jazz. Rachel Eubanks' "Kiep Nao Co Yeu Nhau" draws on Vietnamese melodic material and sounds." The contents of this anthology, compiled and edited by Helen Walker-Hill and Gregory Walker: Kiep Nao Co Yeu Nhau for violin and piano by Rachel Eubanks. Bus Stop for cello and piano (2000) by Mary Watkins. Las Tarantulas for cello and piano (1992) by Dolores White. Saltarello for cello and piano (1989) by Zenobia Powell Perry. Energico for violin, cello and piano (1981) by Lettie Beckon Alston (last movement of trio "Memories"). The editors note that "European influences are prominent in instrumental music by black women. Although none of these pieces is based on traditional African-American music, Mary Watkins' "Bus Stop" shows the influence of jazz. Rachel Eubanks' "Kiep Nao Co Yeu Nhau" draws on Vietnamese melodic material and sounds."

CategoryCello w/Piano
Publisher / #Hildegard / 494-02665
Price 39.95
Catalog Number494-02665
AvailabilityThis item will be shipped from our warehouse within 2 business days, pending publisher availability.
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