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cover for X Keyboard and DJ Coffin Stand
X Keyboard and DJ Coffin Stand - System X Series, KB7700K Model

The System X KB7700K Keyboard Stand offers the portability and simplicity of the time-tested 'X' braced keyboard stand without the limited usefulness inherent in 'X' stands at the limits of their height ranges. Traditional 'X' braced stands get too wide to accept smaller keyboards at low (seated) position settings and too narrow and unstable at the taller (standing) positions). The System X Keyboard Stand maintains the same stable arm and leg width under the keyboard or DJ Coffin throughout its entire height range. An attractive center column houses large and reliable adjustment knobs for the attached arms and legs. Unfolding the stand and setting the height is fast and easy. Once set up, the performer will find there's plenty of unencumbered space for legs, feet and pedals. The stand has a unique and striking appearance without being a focal point - distracting the interaction between the performer, band mates and the audience. The System X Keyboard Stand will fold up compact and flat for easy transport. In fact, this stand will fold smaller than a traditional double-'X' keyboard stand. Adjustable feet and arm bumpers will compensate for stage imperfections - providing the user a level playing surface.

PublisherHamilton Stands
SeriesHamilton Stands
MediumGeneral Merchandise
Weight236.4 oz
Price 169.99
Catalog Number144050
AvailabilityWe have been notified by the publisher that this item is now out of print and is no longer available for sale.
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