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cover for The Beatles - A Diary
The Beatles - A Diary - An Intimate Day by Day History

Few insiders kow The Beatles' story like Barry Miles. Far more than a simple chronology, The Beatles - A Diary is pop music's greatest success story told just as it happened - with fresh insights and new authenticity. For the world, The Beatles were a gift - the defnitive Sixties group, reliable icons of their age to be pressed into service for whatever the fashionable agenda might be. Here, though, the high points and the daily routine of fame are presented just as life presented them to The Beatles - day by day. The result is the most revealing personal history of The Beatles ever written, fascinating for those who grew up with their music, and essential reading for anyone interested in rock's most influential phenomenon.

PublisherOmnibus Press
SeriesOmnibus Press
Weight65.2 oz
Creditsby Barry Miles
Price 24.95
Catalog Number335949
AvailabilityThis item will be shipped from our warehouse within 2 business days, pending publisher availability.
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